Dato biludlejningsfirma i Georgien


Tbilisi, Georgien





Taler Russian, English, Georgian

Taler Russian, English, Georgian

  • Mandag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Tirsdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Onsdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Torsdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Fredag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Lørdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Søndag 09:00 - 20:00

Hej med dig! Leder du efter et biludlejningsfirma, der tilbyder køretøjer i topkvalitet? Så er du kommet til det rette sted! Vi har en række forskellige biler at vælge imellem, herunder økonomi-, business- og middelklassemodeller. Tag en af vores biler med på en køretur gennem Georgia! Book venligst gennem takecars.com og giv os gode anmeldelser.

Vilkår og betingelser

  • Kørekort og pas/id ved afhentning.
  • Chaufførens alder: 21+
  • Køreerfaring: 2+ år
  • Brændstofpolitik: Samme/samme
  • Sen returnering: indtil 1 timer gratis
  • Du skal vaske bilen, før du returnerer den. Uvasket bil: ₾25 afgift
  • At krydse grænser: er ikke tilladt
  • Accepted currencies: GEL, USD, EUR, GBP

15 biler til leje

  • Automatisk | 2020 | 2,0 Benzin | 280 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 200,00
  • Automatisk | 2009 | 1,6 Hybrid | 176 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 150,00
  • Automatisk | 2016 | 2,5 Benzin | 213 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 200,00
  • Automatisk | 2012 | 1,8 Hybrid | 98 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 100,00
  • Automatisk | 2016 | 3,5 Benzin | 289 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 300,00
  • Automatisk | 2017 | 2,0 Benzin | 240 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 200,00
  • Automatisk | 2018 | 2,5 Benzin | 223 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 200,00
  • Automatisk | 2016 | 2,0 Benzin | 189 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 200,00
  • Automatisk | 2017 | 3,0 Benzin | 381 HP
    • Skader på tredjeparter eller andres køretøjer
    Depositum 300,00
  • Automatisk | 2014 | 3,2 Benzin | 292 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 300,00
  • Automatisk | 2021 | 2,5 Benzin | 207 HP
    • Skader på tredjeparter eller andres køretøjer
    Depositum 300,00
  • Automatisk | 2021 | 3,0 Diesel | 278 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 300,00
  • Automatisk | 2014 | 2,0 Benzin | 197 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    Depositum 100,00
  • Automatisk | 2018 | 3,0 Benzin | 323 HP
    • Skader på tredjeparter eller andres køretøjer
    Depositum 300,00
  • Automatisk | 2017 | 2,3 Benzin | 300 HP
    • Skader på tredjeparter eller andres køretøjer
    Depositum 300,00

Anmeldelser (15)



God bil 🔥



Min oplevelse var ret utilfredsstillende på grund af adskillige problemer med bilen, startende med dækkene, som trængte alvorligt til at blive repareret. Derudover fik jeg bilen udleveret i en uren tilstand, hvilket tvang mig til selv at rengøre den. På trods af min indsats blev jeg bedt om at betale for vasken igen, da jeg returnerede bilen. Økonomisk blev betingelserne ikke overholdt som beskrevet i vores kontrakt: Jeg betalte et forskud på 153 Lari for at reservere bilen, med en aftale om at betale yderligere 867 Lari ved modtagelsen af bilen. I modsætning til dette blev jeg opkrævet 1.100 Lari, med et uventet krav om 300 Lari for forsikring, på trods af at kontrakten sagde, at forsikring var inkluderet. Alt i alt var servicen langt fra tilfredsstillende. Desuden var der problemer med et par fartbøder, som ejeren hævdede at have taget hånd om. Jeg kan dog ikke verificere dette, da jeg blev spurgt om betalingen af disse bøder ved grænsekontrollen, og jeg informerede dem om, at ejeren havde taget sig af det. Derudover gav jeg ekstra penge til ejeren med henblik på at håndtere fartbøderne.


Toyota Prius

I want to tell you about choosing this company. We arrived in Tbilisi and needed a car for convenience. We found this company through Google, contacted us, and within 10 minutes we were at the address and picked up the car. Everything was very convenient. The car was clean, comfortable, new. We went and returned. No problem. I recommend this company to everyone)


Mercedes-Benz E-Class

Everything all good



Everything was fine.



everything went well, the owner of the car helped when I needed help, there was always communication. Thank you


Audi Q7

Everything is great 👍. It's super pressurized.



Everything was perfect


Toyota Prius

Everything went great. I received and handed over the car on time as agreed. The owner of the car was always in touch.



Dato is a wonderful person and a master of his craft! The car is fully serviceable, in excellent equipment, will go wherever you need to go! I highly recommend this car and this lessor :)


Chevrolet Camaro Cabrio

It was my first time renting a car abroad. Everything went smoothly from the phone call onwards. It was a good first experience. :)) Right at the entrance to Kutaisi airport a bright yellow BumbleBee - Chevrolet Camaro was waiting for us. My wife had long dreamed of riding in a small, privileged car with a folding top with a view of some beauty. She was delighted. The car is quite tough, it is understandable with so many horses under the hood, through bluetooth connected favorite music and enjoyed and a little annoyed by the loud music of others, and also received enthusiastic looks from others to Tbilisi and back. In general we recommend this rental site.


Toyota Prius

Everything was fine Thanks for service We will return in October And then again wanna take a car In your website


Toyota Prius

We took a Toyota Prius of the tenth years at half the price than in Armenia. Of course, the car is tired, but it runs well and smells gas. I met with the owner, without unnecessary papers, put the keys in my hands and put my foot on the gas. We drove around the neighborhood. Called and the owner in half an hour took it away. Recomendad


Audi Q7



Audi Q7

everything been perfect, ok