Grigol biludlejningsfirma i Georgien


Tbilisi, Georgien





Taler Russian, English, Georgian

Taler Russian, English, Georgian

  • Mandag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Tirsdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Onsdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Torsdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Fredag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Lørdag 09:00 - 20:00
  • Søndag 09:00 - 20:00

Vi er en erfaren virksomhed med 5 års erfaring i biludlejningsbranchen. Vi tilbyder et bredt udvalg af kvalitetskøretøjer og stræber efter at sikre kundetilfredshed og tilfredshed med vores tjenester. Book venligst gennem og giv os gode anmeldelser.

Vilkår og betingelser

  • Kørekort og pas/id ved afhentning.
  • Chaufførens alder: 21+
  • Køreerfaring: 1+ år
  • Brændstofpolitik: Samme/samme
  • Begrænsede områder: Abkhasien | Gergeti | Goderdzi Pass | Mestia | Omalo | Svaneti | Sydossetien | Tskhinvali | Tusheti | Ushguli-Lentekhi vej
  • Du skal vaske bilen, før du returnerer den. Uvasket bil: ₾20 afgift
  • At krydse grænser: er ikke tilladt
  • Punkterede dæk: Kunden er ansvarlig
  • Accepted currencies: GEL, USD, EUR, GBP

17 biler til leje

Anmeldelser (57)


Ford Escape

Alt var godt, tak!


Subaru Forester

Da vi hentede bilen, var aftalen, at vi skulle bringe den tilbage til lufthavnen den 21. september kl. 18.00. I stedet spurgte vi, om det ville være muligt at bringe bilen tilbage den 20. september om morgenen. Det ville tage to dage af vores reservation. Firmaet, som vi havde lejet bilen af, sagde, at det normalt ikke var muligt, men at han ville gøre en undtagelse. Han lovede os en dags refusion. Det ville også omfatte betalingen for afhentning i lufthavnen, fordi vi havde afleveret den et andet sted. Det gik vi med til. Til sidst fandt han endda nye lejere, hvilket betyder, at han fik dobbelt så mange penge for den samme bil i to dage. Vi så dem hente bilen og har en video af det. Prisen for en dag plus forsikring, ekstra chauffør og afhentning i lufthavnen er 160,50 lari. Da vi bragte bilen tilbage, ville en medarbejder fra udlejningsfirmaet i stedet give os 60 lari. Det var ikke det, vi havde aftalt. I sidste ende gav medarbejderen os ikke nogen penge tilbage, selv om firmaets ejer lovede en tilbagebetaling. Og så var bilen udlejet til nye folk, så vi kunne ikke engang få bilen tilbage, mens vi havde lejet den.


Toyota Prius

Alt gik godt, tak.


Toyota Prius

Det var perfekt, tak


Toyota Prius

Den samlede oplevelse var god. Til den betalte pris var bilen tilstrækkelig. Ren og havde ikke stærk lugt. Teknisk set fuldt funktionsdygtig. Kørte til Gudauri & Stepansminda, håndterede perfekt.


Hyundai Sonata

Alt i alt nød jeg oplevelsen. Den eneste ulempe var, at airconditionen i bilen ikke virkede, og at jeg måtte vente i fem timer på at få den repareret. Jeg ville have foretrukket en hurtig udskiftning til en lignende bil.


Toyota Prius

Alt gik godt. Der var ikke noget galt med bilen, de bragte den hurtigt ind. Alt i alt er alt godt. 👍


Toyota Prius

Alt gik godt, der var ingen kommentarer eller problemer overhovedet.


Mitsubishi Outlander

Alt var fremragende! Ejeren var venlig og respektfuld, og hans bil hjalp os meget på vejene. ) Den eneste vanskelighed var relateret til parkeringszoner. Det var uklart, hvordan vi skulle parkere vores bil i nogle områder af byen, fordi vi ikke kunne registrere os i appen (det ser ud til, at appen ikke understøtter udenlandske registratorer).


Hyundai Sonata

Fantastisk bil, rent, uslidt interiør. Virkelig lavt forbrug. Alt fungerer som det skal. Vi var tre personer, højde omkring 180, den var rummelig. Venlig ejer. Reagerer hurtigt. Reagerer øjeblikkeligt, hvis der er problemer. Alt i alt et godt valg, vil anbefale.


Toyota Prius

We enjoyed it all


Toyota Prius

It's all good.


Ford Escape

Everything was as per the contract. The car was delivered on time, picked up on time. And all this was accompanied by nice and good people. And the prices were very good. We were very satisfied


Toyota Prius

The car needed repairs and was different from the photo.


Toyota Prius

Service was decent, the first car was not confirmed by the owner and promptly your employee found an almost similar option. When I come again I will turn to you for a car👌


Toyota Prius

Everything was smooth, no problem at all, thank you.


Toyota Prius

Everything went fine with the rental, only the car was all banged up, a little beat up and dirty. But it didn't break down. On


Toyota Prius

Everything went well. I was satisfied with the car. Thank you to the owner of the car for always being in touch and easy to arrange everything with him.


Toyota Prius

everything was good except that the owner kept asking for additional 20 lari if the car would be dirty. it was a bit annoying, but I myself cleaned the car and returned it without paying extra 20 lari. except that the car was good.


Toyota Prius

Ordered a '15 Prius - arrived on the 10th. No confirmation of the Casco insurance I ordered was given Other than that, everything's fine.


Toyota Prius

It was great! Everything went well


Toyota Prius

Thank you very much, everything went great with the rental. The car is very good, problems have never arisen with anything. Thanks to the car, we were able to see many interesting places in Georgia. We managed to get to Kazbek and Batumi. The car turned out to be quite economical in terms of fuel, which also cannot but rejoice)


Toyota Prius

The rental went well, the car was in excellent condition, fully operational, left only positive impressions, thank you!


Ford Escape

- First we got an accident tires was broke coz some problem and and he send someone to help and bring us to second hand tire shop and he said he will pay half of that price cost is 300 lari we paid 150 lari so I’m asking my frd who lives in Georgia he said this is not half price it’s more than one second hand tire we try to negotiate with him but he said no. - Second thing we rent the car till 10/2/23 and ur team he keep calling me since 9/2/23 to swap the car because he wanna sell this car to other customer and he try to fix the time for him we help him. He keep checking us on the gps and told us we can not go far more than friendship monument he said it not safe but last time we been here we can go i’m not sure because he want us to go back to swap the car early or not but he keep pushing us . Then when we arrived in Georgia our appointment is 5pm. Me arriving on time and calling him where r u ? Because me and my frd we have plan to do.he keep telling us 10mins for 3-4 times so me and my frd hv to wait for1 hr for him. - lasting we already told him the car we use still hv alot of gasoline please prepare the car he wanna swap he said yes when the car is arrived the gasoline signal already show no gas i ask him he gave 20 lari to refill by our self. And the car he gave to us subaru the key is not working heater not working all the time when i go inside the car have to unlock by the key and alarm always horn. This is make me and my friend very disappointed about the car rental.

marts 2023
this dishonest men go sime off roads... 100 times i ask him to not going off roads... becouse insurence does not work if car bring some bad off roads... and they damage my of corse he have to buy new one... becouse he damage.. and insurense does not applay... i change the car becouse he damache and i had to repire.... so dont blame me... i have gps sistem on car and have track that he run my car very bad roads.. and damage it... of corse i ask that money... this disthonest custumer... i have lot off good rewius...

Toyota Prius

All is well, thank you.


Toyota Prius

It was okay. There were engine and tire pressure light showing up. I was a bit worried about it. But it went okay


Toyota Prius

Everything was fine, but i havn’t had time yet to give feedback. I am going to use you service further in February


Ford Escape

It was really great Great service


Toyota Prius

it was actually a good experience. I got the car in Batumi and return it in Tbilisi. The only moment that I paid an extra 100$ to get a car in Batumi. But in general, it was good, I like it


Subaru Forester Limited

Everything was fine, the car was satisfied. I'll contact you again just in case.


Ford Escape

Everything went great


Ford Escape

Everything was great thanks


Subaru Forester Limited

Everything is fine, there was no wash with the car, clean neat


Subaru Forester Limited

In general, I was satisfied with the service, but the condition of the car was 3/5. Grigol was always in touch, for which many thanks to him.


Ford Escape

All liked it. The car did not disappoint.


Toyota Prius

Very good experience. Received the car in great condition, and Grigol really also allowed us to extend the rental by a day at the same price. Car was clean and had all the features described.


Toyota Prius

Everything went well. The car was in good condition. No questions for the owner


Toyota Prius

everything is normal, I took it for 1 day the only minus was to pick up and drop off far away. from my place of residence


Toyota Prius

everything is fine 👍 thank you very much


Subaru Forester Limited

The car arrived on time as promised at my hotel in Tbilisi. We have travelled quite extensively for 10 days (1700 Km) and the car worked fine. Near Vardzia I have lost all the engine oil due to a looase oil drain plug. The wonderful people of Georgia took me to the nearest village to get new oil and an improvised plug (I am after all a mechanical engineer). This type of failure may happen even to a brand new car. I highly recommend Grigol for the support and service. We have lost only 4 hours overall.


Toyota Prius

I liked everything, everything was convenient, without problems)


Toyota Prius

Everything was amazing.


Toyota Prius

all was good) car in good condition


Toyota Prius

If everything was fine on the car!)


Ford Escape

Yes, everything is great) We liked everything) The car met all our expectations and withstood all the way)


Toyota Prius

Everything was good !


Toyota Prius

Everything went well. Of course, there are complaints about the quality of the car, but this is Georgia, there are many such cars. Unfortunately, it became clear where the distributor's office was located only after booking, the office was very far away. the car was the same. We in Georgia have seen better, but we have seen worse. Communication with the distributor himself was normal, he was always in touch, there were no problems


Toyota Prius

everything went perfectly


Subaru Forester Limited

everything went well, no problems. All interactions with the owner were proper and pleasant. Thanks a lot!

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