- First we got an accident tires was broke coz some problem and and he send someone to help and bring us to second hand tire shop and he said he will pay half of that price cost is 300 lari we paid 150 lari so I’m asking my frd who lives in Georgia he said this is not half price it’s more than one second hand tire we try to negotiate with him but he said no.
- Second thing we rent the car 더 보기
this dishonest men go sime off roads... 100 times i ask him to not going off roads... becouse insurence does not work if car bring some bad off roads... and they damage my tires...new.tires... of corse he have to buy new one... becouse he damage.. and insurense does not applay... i change the car becouse he damache and i had to repire.... so dont blame me... i have gps sistem on car and have track that he run my car very bad roads.. and damage it... of corse i ask that money... this disthonest custumer... i have lot off good rewius...