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Cene najema avtomobilov na letališču Minsk

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chartKoliko stane najem avtomobila na letališču Minsk: povprečna dnevna cena za teden dni najema avtomobila, v vseh razredih avtomobilov.
Spletni najem avtomobila na letališču Minsk z TakeCars.com
  • 1. Primerjava avtomobilov na letališču Minsk

    Omogočamo enostavno primerjavo cen in pogojev najema na letališču Minsk, zato lahko lažje najamete avtomobil

  • 2. Zagotovite spletno rezervacijo

    Z majhnim pologom rezervirajte vozilo in zagotovimo vam, da vas bo ob prihodu pričakalo na letališču Minsk.

  • 3. Delite svoje izkušnje z najemom

    Pomagajte drugim pri pravilni izbiri pri najemu avtomobilov na portalu TakeCars Minsk Letališče (MSQ).

Minsk Letališče (MSQ) vprašanja o najemu avtomobila

📚 Vse
Who pays for the parking at Minsk airport?

The parking fee is usually covered by the car rental company itself. It's considered good customer service.

Can I book a car upon arrival at the airport at Minsk airport?

Generally, yes, but it's better to book in advance. We require a 24-hour confirmation period.

Where to find the car at Minsk airport upon arrival?

Contact the manager listed on your voucher in advance; they will inform you about the specific pick-up area at Minsk international airport.

How is the car returned at Minsk airport?

The car is returned and gets inspected, after which comes signing a protocol, and that's it basically.

Can two people drive the rental car at Minsk airport?

Yes, an option for a "second driver" can usuallt be selected. It might come with an additional fee.

Minimum age and driving experience for renting a car at Minsk airport?

The minimum age is 21. Drivers under 21 are considered young and may need a "young driver" additional paid option. A minimum of 2 years of driving experience is required.

Are there any discounts for monthly rentals? And without a deposit?

Yes, there are options without a deposit which can be a great save for long-term rentals. Contact us to find a suitable car at a good price.

How to modify my booking at Minsk airport?

Contact us or the rental company's manager directly.

Top tourist Attractions from Minsk Airport

Minsk’s city center with the Great Patriotic War Museum, Independence Square, and the National Library are within a 40-minute drive. Mir Castle is about an hour away.

Best road travel from Minsk Airport

Driving through the Belarusian countryside offers scenic views and access to historical sites and traditional villages.

To major cities by car from Minsk Airport

Vilnius, Lithuania is about 2.5 hours away, making cross-border exploration to the Baltic states feasible.

Where else to drive from Minsk Airport

Exploring the diverse landscapes and historical sites of Belarus, including the Białowieża Forest and the cities of Brest and Gomel.

What car classes are available with you at Minsk airport?

We offer a variety of car classes; you can use filters by car classes to find the perfect match for your needs.

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