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Northern Cyprus by rental car with TakeCars

North Cyprus — a place rich in history, unique culture and magnificent scenery. Renting a car in North Cyprus will allow you to discover all corners of the region, move freely between its attractions and enjoy every minute of your trip.

Benefits of renting with TakeCars:

  • The site features only real photos of cars, which helps you make the right choice.
  • You can read all reviews for a specific supplier and for each machine in North Cyprus, guaranteeing transparency and reliability.
  • The amount and method of deposit is upfront, with no hidden fees or surprises when you receive. cars.

We remove the main fears of customers: all risks associated with damage to the car in an accident, cars in poor technical condition and the return of the deposit, when renting through us are minimized.

Where to go in Northern Cyprus

Kyrenia — a city with a magnificent castle by the sea, the perfect place to start your journey. Here you can enjoy local cuisine in the harbor restaurants and explore the ancient streets.

Famagusta, famous for its medieval walls and ancient architecture. Be sure to visit the Palazzo del Proveditore ("house of the ruler") and the famous ruins of ancient monuments.

Bellapais Abbey — a small village with stunning views.

Karpas — a peninsula known for its wild beaches and unique nature. Here you can see rare wild donkeys and enjoy the unbridled beauty of the local landscapes.

Girne — the most popular resort town in Northern Cyprus, where everyone can find something to do, from water sports to excursions to archaeological sites.

We offer different classes of cars for every need, from compact models for city trips to SUVs for off-road adventures on the Karpas Peninsula. Use our detailed filters to find the right car to suit your needs.

Kje najeti avtomobil v na Severnem Cipru

Access to Northern Cyprus is possible via air and sea, as well as crossing through checkpoints on land if you are in the Southern part of the island.

The main airport of Northern Cyprus is Ercan. There are regular flights from many cities in Turkey, which is the most convenient route for most foreign tourists. You can fly to Ankara or Istanbul and from there — take a direct flight to Northern Cyprus.

Traveling by ferry — another popular option for those in Turkey or traveling by sea. Ferries depart regularly from the ports of Alanya, Tashuju and Mersin. This journey is not only convenient, but also allows you to enjoy the sea views while sailing. Ferries come to Girne and Famagusta.

If you are already on the Greek part of the island of Cyprus, you can cross the border through one of the checkpoints. The most popular crossing point — Ledra Street in Nicosia. Crossing the border usually takes a little time, but requires the necessary documents, including a passport and possibly a visa depending on your nationality.

Regardless of how you get to North Cyprus, once you arrive you will be able to rent a car from one of the many drop-off points.

Take the opportunity to discover Northern Cyprus in your own car from TakeCars. Not only is it convenient, but it allows you to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the region, making every minute of your trip unforgettable.

Večina turistov v na Severnem Cipru začne svojo pot tukaj

Spletni najem avtomobila na Severnem Cipru z TakeCars.com
  • 1. Primerjava avtomobilov na Severnem Cipru

    Omogočamo enostavno primerjavo cen in pogojev najema na Severnem Cipru, zato lahko lažje najamete avtomobil

  • 2. Zagotovite spletno rezervacijo

    Z majhnim pologom rezervirajte vozilo in zagotovimo vam, da vas bo ob prihodu pričakalo na Severnem Cipru.

  • 3. Delite svoje izkušnje z najemom

    Pomagajte drugim pri pravilni izbiri pri najemu avtomobilov na portalu TakeCars Severni Ciper.

Rental and return process

Renting a car in North Cyprus with TakeCars is easy – book your car online, arrive at the appointed time, check the car and sign the contract. On return, simply return the car at the agreed time and place, confirm the condition of the car and close the contract.

Driving tips

North Cyprus is left-hand drive, which can take a little time to get used to. It usually takes about an hour for a driver to fully adjust and feel at home. But be careful on the roads in mountainous areas and when driving on narrow village streets.

Cene najema avtomobila na Severnem Cipru

Cena najema avtomobila na Severnem Cipru je odvisna od sezone in trajanja najema.

  • januar
  • februar
  • marec
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  • Jan
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  • Dec
chartKoliko stane najem avtomobila na Severnem Cipru: povprečna cena na dan za vse razrede avtomobilov pri rezervaciji za 7 dni.

Vprašanja o najemu avtomobila Severni Ciper

📚 Vse
Ali potrditveno e-poštno sporočilo pride takoj?

Potrditev se pošlje na pošto takoj po potrditvi rezervacije, kar običajno traja do 24 ur. Vse rezervacije so takoj vidne na spletnem mestu.

Kako lahko zmanjšam svojo odgovornost pri najemu avtomobila na Severnem Cipru na nič?

Sklenete lahko zavarovanje Super Hull Insurance ali celovito zavarovanje, s katerim svojo odgovornost zmanjšate na nič.

Kakšni so načini nakazovanja?

Kavcijo lahko plačate z gotovino ali kartico, odvisno od najemnika. Način plačila kavcije je na voljo na strani vozila.

Kako ugotoviti velikost prtljažnika pri najemu avtomobila na Severnem Cipru?

Na spletni strani si lahko ogledate prave fotografije avtomobila, informacije o velikosti prtljažnika pa lahko najdete tudi na spletu ali preverite pri naši podporni službi.

Katere razrede avtomobilov imate na Severnem Cipru?

Na naši spletni strani si oglejte razpoložljive razrede avtomobilov, za lažje iskanje uporabite filtre. Vsi avtomobili so na voljo za takojšnjo rezervacijo.

Kateri je najboljši model avtomobila za najem na Severnem Cipru?

Za izbiro pravega avtomobila v Severnem Cipru uporabite iskanje in filtre na naši spletni strani.

Ali obstajajo kakšni popusti za mesečni najem avtomobila na Severnem Cipru?

Za dolgoročni najem se obrnite na nas, pomagali vam bomo najti ugodno ponudbo. Imamo različne popuste, vključno s promocijskimi kodami, kot je LOCAL.

Kdaj se varščina vrne?

Depozit se običajno vrne v 14-25 dneh. Za vračilo depozita nimamo skritih stroškov.

Ali lahko pri rezervaciji uporabim kreditno kartico nekoga drugega?

Kreditna kartica mora biti izdana na ime osebe, ki je navedena v pogodbi. Za predplačilo sprejemamo vse kartice, tudi ruske.

Kdaj se s kartice odstrani blokada depozita?

Blokada depozita na kartici je običajno poravnana v 7-14 dneh. Brez skritih stroškov.

Kako potreben je GPS navigator pri najemu avtomobila na Severnem Cipru?

Pogosto je bolje uporabiti navigator v telefonu, lahko pa pri ponudniku najamete tudi navigator GPS. Za vsa vprašanja vam nudimo spletno podporo.

Imate vprašanja?

Vprašajte nas in odgovorili vam bomo v 2 urah.




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