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Verefy الملف الشخصي الذي تم التحقق منه
ساعات العمل
مفتوح الآن Etc/GMT+4
  • الإثنين 00:00 - 23:59
  • الثلاثاء 00:00 - 23:59
  • الأربعاء 00:00 - 23:59
  • الخميس 00:00 - 23:59
  • الجمعة 00:00 - 23:59
  • يوم السبت 00:00 - 23:59
  • يوم الأحد 00:00 - 23:59

اكتشف الإمارات العربية المتحدة بأناقة مع خدمة تأجير السيارات عالية الجودة من دبي. سواء كنت تبحث عن رحلة فاخرة أو خيار مناسب للميزانية، فإن مجموعتنا الواسعة من السيارات وخدمة العملاء الممتازة ستجعل رحلتك لا تُنسى. يُرجى الحجز من خلال موقع Takecars.com وترك تقييمات جيدة لنا.

الشروط والأحكام

  • رخصة القيادة وجواز السفر/بطاقة الهوية عند الاستلام.
  • مسح المستندات ضوئيًا للتحقق المسبق عبر البريد الإلكتروني/المراسلة
  • عمر السائق: 21+
  • تجربة القيادة: 1+ سنوات
  • يحظر القيادة على الطرق الوعرة الثقيلة
  • التأمين غير صالح: الكحول, الطرق غير المقطوعة, سائق غير مصرح له, الطرق الوعرة الثقيلة
  • عبور الحدود: غير مسموح به
  • يدفع العميل رسوم انتظار السيارات في المطار
  • Deposit will be refunded within 25 business days
  • International Driving Permit required for clients from СIS countries and Ukraine.

82 سيارات للإيجار

المراجعات (30)


Toyota Yaris Ativ

كل شيء كان رائعاً. شركة تأجير جيدة في أواهي. كل شيء صادق وشفاف


Toyota Camry

لم يتم إرجاع الوديعة بالكامل، وكانت السيارة في حالة سيئة، واضطررت إلى طلب استبدالها. عند مغادرتي المطار، اصطدمت بي امرأة عربية بسيارتها، دون مساعدة. اضطررت للتعامل مع كل شيء بنفسي. الكثير من الأسئلة، ولا توجد إجابات.


Mitsubishi Attrage

بشكل عام لم تسر الأمور بشكل سيء، فقط تم إرجاع الوديعة لفترة طويلة وشاقة.


Mitsubishi Attrage

لا يعيدون الوديعة، إنهم يغشون! لقد اتصلت بإدارة الموقع، وقالوا إنهم سيحلون المشكلة، لكنهم توقفوا عن الاتصال بي، يقولون إنهم سينقلون انتظروني، لكنني أنتظر منذ شهرين وما زلت لا أحول، لديهم إجازات أو شيء آخر، والآن توقفوا عن الرد على الرسائل! لا أنصح بشدة باستئجار سيارة من هذه الشركة!


Mitsubishi Attrage

سار كل شيء على ما يرام.


Mercedes-Benz C300 Cabrio

في 21.12.2023، استأجرنا سيارة مرسيدس مكشوفة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة في دبي. ذُكر على موقعكم الإلكتروني وفي مستندات الحجز أنه لا يلزم إيداع مبلغ تأمين! وفي 21 ديسمبر وصل السائق في 21 ديسمبر وتأخر عن الموعد المحدد وطالبنا بإيداع مبلغ التأمين. كان يجب دفع العربون نقداً أو بالبطاقة في المحطة. لم يكن لدينا هذا المبلغ نقداً، فالبطاقات روسية. رفض السائق المعروف وانصرف. واتفقنا عبر الواتساب مع المدير الذي يتحدث الروسية على أن يعود السائق ويقدم الخدمة ونرسل الوديعة إلى البطاقة الروسية. استغرق كل هذا وقتًا طويلاً جدًا، وعاد السائق، وقام بتسجيل دخولنا وتسليمنا السيارة، مما يعني أننا أخذنا السيارة متأخرين ساعتين إلى ثلاث ساعات. قررنا أن نستوضح مع مدير شركتك، ما إذا كان بإمكاننا في اليوم التالي أن نعطي السيارة في وقت متأخر قليلاً، لأننا أخذناها في وقت متأخر عن الوقت اللازم. كانت الإجابة التي حصلنا عليها أنه لا توجد مشكلة، ليست مشكلة كبيرة. طلبنا السيارة بعد ساعتين. جميع المراسلات والمحادثات مع هذا المدير متوفرة. في الوقت المحدد للسائق، تأخر السائق مرة أخرى ووصل بعد 40-50 دقيقة. قيل لنا أنه سيتم رد الوديعة في غضون 18 يوم عمل. وقيل لنا أيضاً أن الوديعة عبارة عن مبلغ يتم أخذه لشطب الغرامات ورسوم الطرق. بعد فترة من الوقت تم إرسال وثيقة لنا وتم إرجاع الوديعة. ولكن! تم تحويل الوديعة إلينا بسعر خسرنا به الكثير من المال! على الأقل لم يخبرنا أحد أن سعر الصرف سيكون كذلك وستخسر المال. الإيداع هو في الأساس التكلفة التي يتم إرجاعها بالكامل!!!!. الأهم من ذلك أننا احتسبنا 2 أيام كاملة! مع كل الترتيبات. وعد المدير بتسوية الوضع واسترداد الأموال لليوم الثاني. في النهاية، بعد بضعة أسابيع، بالنسبة له بدأ للتو في الرد على شخص آخر لا يدخل حتى في الموقف يرجى حل المشكلة. لقد مر أكثر من شهرين، ومراجعات شركتكم جيدة، ولن ترغب في حل المشكلة بطريقة تشريعية، ناشدوا الشرطة.


Chevrolet Captiva

We are pleased with your car rental service. Without your service it would be very difficult for us to travel around Dubai. Your staff performed their duties quickly, clearly and professionally. Good luck to you.


Kia K5

We ended up getting a Camry, but everything was great


Mitsubishi Attrage

everything is fine with the car. After renting the car they wrote 2 weeks later, they wanted to charge us for one more day of renting, although we turned everything in on time. I think we agreed that everything was fine


Mitsubishi Attrage

Everything was great. Thank you so much


Mitsubishi Attrage

The car, of course, doesn’t drive at all, but God bless her for choosing it. They brought the car with a half-filled tank (although when returning they ask to fill it up to full) + plus they charged 35 dirhams at the airport, although, as agreed, everything was paid for. I didn’t like it, I definitely won’t rent from you again. Little things, little things, but it’s very unpleasant when they try to deceive you. Moreover, as I wrote earlier, everything was stipulated


Mitsubishi Attrage

The car was brought to the address, for this they took an additional 100 aedes, which was not warned anywhere, just in fact after paying the rent the agent said that you still need to pay extra. The reservation was for a day from 14 to 14, in the evening of the same day I wrote to the agent with the name Akil in watsapp that I want to extend for 2 more days, I asked the cost of renting each day, he wrote 11 aedes, I asked for an invoice for payment, it was at 22 pm on the day of renting, that is, it was still 16 hours before the end of the paid day. The bill was not sent to me. I planned a trip for the next day. The car was filled with gasoline on half a tank. But I decided to fill it up, it came out to 78 aedes. Only at 15 o'clock the next day another agent writes me that I have to pay, the sum for 2 days - 288 aedes. This pissed me off, as I read this message by accident, my phone caught wifi in the shopping center. Why wasn't the payment issue resolved in the morning when there was still internet in the hotel? I texted that I would return the car but in 2-3 hours. In the end around 17 hours wrote Akil that they can take the car. But it was standing until the next day, several people from different numbers in sucksap demanded to pay those unfortunate 144 aedes. But I used the car +3 hours to the paid hours and paid for gasoline for 78 aedes (by the way in rubles it turned out to be 70 rubles per liter, we were so surprised, all say about cheap gasoline in the UAE, but it was more expensive than in Russia). As a result, the car was taken away at 15 o'clock the next day. I left the UAE. And after almost a month this Akil writes to me again on WhatsApp that they will demand payment for + 1 day 144 dirhams through the court. I would have paid immediately an additional 288 aedes, but not stated +100 aedes when renting, and the fact that the bill for renewal did not send in advance very much pissed off. Different agents write from different numbers in watsapp, each other do not pass information. The number of the office is not, because when signing the documents did not leave me any contract. Only slips from the payment terminal. I highly do not recommend renting from Akil. He also sent voice messages instead of text - well class, it is a tourist a priori without internet.


Chevrolet Captiva

Landlords are not decent!!! In the search criteria were set parameters for cash and without deposit, respectively, and the cost of rent is higher!!!! The order was confirmed and prepayment was taken, but by the appointed time the car was not provided. They started to demand a deposit or payment by card. On the question why so, the answer just struck "You are on the black list". What list if it is my first time in the UAE? They could not confirm it As a result of long dialogs the car was not provided, all our plans went to ruin. The deposit was barely returned after a long agreement. In a word, JULIET!!!


BMW 420i Cabrio

Ordered a car bmw 420 cabriolet, 8 hours before departure from Moscow to the airport in Dubai dxb. When I arrived the car was in place, the car was clean, without any fingers on the body and dust in the cabin with a full tank of gas. The car was practically new 15k mileage. At first I took for 2 days, in the process decided to extend for another 2 days, all without problems allowed. In general, the agency is recommended!


Mercedes-Benz C300 Cabrio

In general, getting the car is easy, the car as in the order, no deposit. Minus, the car is tired, a lot of chips, scratches and the interior is grated. It is difficult to accept such a car.


BMW 420i Cabrio

the car was very nice, the condition was excellent. the staff helped with all questions, it was nice that we picked up the car for free at the end of the lease.


Mercedes-Benz C300 Cabrio

I was happy with the car and had no problems with the booking. But when the car arrived, they told me to pay 991 dirhams, although after making a deposit, I only had to pay 917.57 dirhams


Kia K5

Everything went perfectly; the car was on time and matched the reservation. The process was quick, and we returned it at the same spot. However, no one came to pick it up; they asked us to take photos and videos, leave money for toll roads in the glove compartment, and leave the key on the wheel. That's exactly what we did)))


Mitsubishi Attrage

We rented a car. The service is great. We were delivered to the airport. We upgraded the class of car free of charge - we got a new Toyota Camry with mileage of only 19 thousand kilometers. I recommend this service and Akil.


Audi A3 Sedan

A month ago I rented an Audi A3. I was very satisfied with the registration process, everything was fast and clear. The car was delivered to the home address. Once I had a situation where I had a completely flat tire. I contacted the company and within 20 minutes employees arrived to help me fix the wheel. The staff is very responsive, always ready to help and answer all questions. Now I'm a regular customer.


Toyota Camry

I got an Audi A3 instead of a Camry, it didn't affect me in any way. Everything went perfectly, I received it in Dubai mall and handed it over at the airport. There were no problems, the price was fine. The landlord was always in touch. Feedback on the site, also everything is fine, it is convenient that you can pay by RF card, in the UAE paid through Union Pay. I would like to be able to pay 100% of the rent on the site, 15-20% to write off and the rest with a hold and then write off after the fact, so as not to pay directly to the landlord. It was very convenient that there was no deductible or deposit.


Mitsubishi Attrage

everything was great! No complaints.


Toyota Yaris Ativ

Everything went well. We received the car on time as agreed. Any issues that arose were resolved


Mitsubishi Attrage

I liked everything about it. I will use it in the future


Mitsubishi Attrage

On 08/23/2018 we rented a car through Localcarhires.com company. Initially we applied for a Mitsubishi Attrage. But the guys brought us another car: Toyota Camry. The car was brought to our hotel at the time we appointed and it was picked up from there. Delivery and pickup was free of charge for us. The car was in perfect condition, clean, there were 2 bottles of water in the car. We had to return the car on 27.08 at 14.00, we asked the guys from the company to extend the rental period until 23 pm, which was agreed by the company and the car was taken away from us at 23 hours. We want to say a huge thank you to Aqeel - we were very comfortable and pleasant to communicate with you and your company. We will definitely rent a car from you next time.


Kia K5

that's right, rented a K5 - everything went great, no problems at all, I was satisfied!


Chevrolet Captiva

We rented a car via LocalCarHires.com website. We picked it up at the airport quietly, at the scheduled time after we arrived. The representative of the car rental company was waiting for us. Everything was simple and easy. Car was new and equipped with baby seats that we requested before. On the return day, also at the airport, we agreed on the time and the representative of the company was there to pick up the car. In short, everything was very correct and good, with no surprises.


Kia K5

Many thanks to Akil - everything went smoothly! I was contacted in advance on whatsapp, upon arrival they drove the car to the DXB airport, Arrivals zone. Full tank filled. I rented a car in the same place at the airport, Departures zone. Delivery took 5 minutes - quickly inspected the car. They also contacted me in advance on Whatsapp to clarify a convenient time for delivery. The car is in excellent condition. Please note that when driving on toll roads, you accumulate a debt - you will need to pay it when you return the car (I hit Salik 60 AED). Also keep in mind that the entrance to the parking area at the airport is paid and upon acceptance of the car, you will need to pay it additionally in the Pay Zone (30-40 AED). All fines, etc. - are also paid by you (which is quite logical). In all other respects, the payment corresponded to the original agreement, nothing more was required. For Russians - there is a payment by transfer to the Russian Federation by a card (Sberbank, you can use SBP) - very convenient if you don’t want to immediately bother with exchange at the airport and there are no international Visa / Mastercard cards (they can also be paid on the spot - the employee has a terminal with him for maps). Thanks to Akil for organizing the possibility of paying in rubles! I put 5 stars, I will definitely order again!


Kia K5

Instead of Kia K5 - Totyota Camry .. and at departure - no one came at all, I had to call up - they asked me to leave the keys under the wheel.


BMW 420i Cabrio

Everything went perfectly. The car was delivered on time and picked up on time, no issues.

نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط والتقنيات المشابهة للمساعدة في تخصيص المحتوى وتقديم تجربة أفضل. بالنقر فوق موافق، فإنك توافق على ذلك، كما هو موضح في سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا.