Rent a Fiat Egea Multijet

Security deposit is not required
  • Manual TM
  • 1.3 litres | Petrol
  • 2022 year
  • 90 horse powers
  • 5 litres / 100 km
  • Front drive
  • 5 seats




Refundable deposit is not required Deposit is not required

Mileage limit

Additional drivers
Child seats
Up to 9kg
9 to 18kg
18 to 36kg
Booster seat

Reviews (16)

Aleksandr Alekseenko

一切都比较顺利! 预订的金额与我实际支付的金额不符 ! 此外,我还支付了约 300 美元的安塔利亚-伊斯坦布尔交付费用! 这是我收到车时才知道的!

Mikalai Sopat

对网站的工作没有任何疑问,租赁登记快速、清晰。 搜索方便,租赁条件良好。 我们在租车公司遇到了问题。 由于我们不了解伊斯坦布尔机场,所以很难理解租车公司的代表应该在哪里等我们。我们试图联系他,但一直被转给其他经理,说他们会在那里帮助我们。在给不同的员工打了 2 个小时的电话后,结果是本该来接我们的公司代表去了办公室。我们又等了 15 分钟他才回来。 在路上,我们遇到了一个关于汽车的技术问题。我们等了 3 天才得到答复。 在交车的时候,员工们喝着茶,并不急着起草文件。 他们还答应送我们去机场,但也没有人着急。他们让我们等 10 分钟,却没有解释延误的原因。我们说我们已经开始办理登机手续了,但他们就是要我们等。最后发现,我们只是在等多一个人把他带到机场。很显然,这个人的迟到并不是租用者的过错,但可以解释延误的原因。

Vasil aleksandrov Irov


Aleksandr Lisichkin


Marat Gazizov

一切都很顺利,只有一件事例外,整个租车过程花了大约 750 美元。在网站上租车时,我一次性支付了 10000 卢布。据说剩下的 630 美元租车费用会在你拿到车时支付。但当你拿到付给你的车时(10000),土耳其的人却不认账,从我们这里拿走了 750 美元。(我的数字可能有点错,但顺序是这样的)

Aleksandr Klokov


Ramil Fatkhlislamov


Sergey Mironov

我在伊斯坦布尔机场租了 8 天车,在机场还车。 车子几乎是新车(行驶里程 2000 公里),租车和还车时没有任何问题(有全额保险,没有免赔额)。 我从与租车公司经理的通信中得知了租车公司的名称。租车公司的办公室位于一个 6 层楼高的大型停车场的其中一层,那里还有其他公司。租车公司全天候工作,所以早上 7 点还车没有任何问题。 我向旅行者推荐。

Sergei Braginskii

Getting the car was quick and easy, no problems for the entire rental period. I highly recommend your site)

Maksim Kosmach

Everything was very pleasant, the car was almost 1000km away and never failed, the car was new, tidy, reliable. I will contact again. THANK YOU!

Kseniia Staratovich

Receiving the vehicle was horrible! We waited for the car for over an hour. We ordered a diesel, but they brought gasoline. When asked why, they replied that there were no other cars. The car was very dirty and with a complete lack of gasoline. We asked: where we can refuel, we were told that the empty tank is exclusively our problem. The manager had no change, he promised to return the change upon receipt of the car, but of course we forgot about it. In general got absolutely "inadequate" and the most rude manager. Further problems did not arise!

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience related to your car rental experience with our company. However, we would like to clarify a few points: unfortunately, you had to wait briefly at the airport due to the lack of internet connection, which hindered our timely communication with you. It's important to note that the car was clean, and the service included a full package of amenities. The $2 that we couldn't refund immediately has been returned upon the return of the vehicle. We always strive to provide exceptional service, and our goal is the satisfaction of every customer. Best regards
Andrei Popov

We had a Ford. Everything went great

Pavel Boronin

Everything went great, thank you

Pavel Bitkov

It was good. Just make payment by card and it will be even better.

Boris Sushkov

Everything's fine, but they didn't give me the car I ordered.

Siarhei Ivanou

Everything about the car was super, and serving and service, cleanliness in the cabin! I will order and contact again!!! Good luck to you!!!

伊斯坦布尔机场 (IST), 土耳其






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Child seats


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