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在阿联酋驾车是一种享受,因为这里有维护良好的道路、经济实惠的燃油和令人叹为观止的风景。从令人敬畏的阿布扎比谢赫-扎耶德清真寺(Sheikh Zayed Mosque)到熙熙攘攘的迪拜购物中心(Dubai Mall)和闪闪发光的黄金露天市场(Gold Souks),这里的景点数不胜数。千万不要错过迪拜的奇迹花园等独特景点,所有这些景点都近在咫尺。

我们提供 24/7 全天候道路救援服务,如有任何疑问,只需拨打电话,即可获得帮助。此外,您还可以在旅行前七天内免费取消预订,并享受 "LOCAL "等促销折扣。

Where to rent a car 阿联酋


迪拜:除了著名的迪拜购物中心(Dubai Mall),您还可以登上世界第一高楼哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa),尽情享受迪拜充满活力的夜生活。
阿布扎比:欣赏谢赫-扎耶德清真寺(Sheikh Zayed Mosque)的建筑奇迹,探索亚斯岛(Yas Island)的众多景点。

在机场等方便的地点领取和归还您的租车。只需出示您的租车凭证、MVU 和护照,检查汽车是否有损坏,然后签署租车协议即可。还车也很简单,只需确保准时还车并按照公司规定加油即可。

Most tourists 阿联酋 start their trip here

What our users say

Real reviews on local car hires 阿联酋

Andrei Danilov
Andrei Danilov

Nissan Sunny 阿联酋

Everything is great ! 👍 I will definitely be contacting you again

二月 2024
Dmitry Petrov
Dmitry Petrov

Hyundai Kona 阿联酋

Overall everything went great and I was satisfied. The car is good, in good condition. It was a different brand, but of the same class, so it was not critical. The only thing that confused me was that they did not give me any documents for the car. They promised to send it on WhatsApp, but I drove for 2 weeks without documents). At the end of the rental there was a strange situation. It was Sunday morning, I came to hand over the car, but the office was closed, the phones were disconnected, although the day before, on Saturday, we contacted and confirmed the completion of the lease. I ended up leaving the car at the office with the keys in the cabin, a video report was sent to the contact numbers. Otherwise no problems and I was satisfied with both price and quality! Will definitely contact you in the future! Thank you!

二月 2024
Dzmitry Dzeikhin
Dzmitry Dzeikhin

Nissan Sunny 阿联酋

I am satisfied with the car rental. I booked a car for the entire duration of my vacation. The car is in good condition. Correspondence with the managers was at a basic level of English. Depositing a deposit is really not necessary. When handing over the rental car, all existing damages outside and inside are documented in the protocol. The car was delivered to the hotel and picked up there at my request. The trip went smoothly, and the return of the car went just as smoothly. Everything is simple and clear. I will definitely turn to them for my next trip.

十一月 2023
Andrei Karlinov
Andrei Karlinov

Kia K5 阿联酋

Instead of Kia K5 - Totyota Camry .. and at departure - no one came at all, I had to call up - they asked me to leave the keys under the wheel.

五月 2023
Sergiu Gogoi
Sergiu Gogoi

Chevrolet Captiva 阿联酋

We are pleased with your car rental service. Without your service it would be very difficult for us to travel around Dubai. Your staff performed their duties quickly, clearly and professionally. Good luck to you.

二月 2024
Stanislav Danilov
Stanislav Danilov

Nissan Sunny 阿联酋

everything's fine.

七月 2023
Elchin Almuradov
Elchin Almuradov

Suzuki Ciaz 阿联酋

I rented a Suzuki from February 22 to 25 of this year but received a Nissan instead an hour late from the appointed time. The car was in terrible condition, due to lack of time to wait for another car, I was forced to pick this one up and the first thing I did was go to the car wash. The fuel level was slightly higher than the empty tank, but I returned it with the same level. The driver who brought the car was very friendly. The manager with whom I contacted via WhatsApp kindly prepared all the documents in advance and receiving the car at the airport terminal took only a few minutes. After returning the car to the same place, I was told that after 14 days I could receive the cash deposit back. After two weeks, I contacted the manager about payment but could not get an answer for 4 days. in the end, after four days of silence, they told me that they meant 14 working days and that the period expires this week, and the money will be transferred to me on Monday of the next week, that is, March 18th. Overall I was pleased. Will I use the services of "takecars.com" again? - Probably yes. Thank you. Best wishes.

二月 2024
Mikhail Kuptsov
Mikhail Kuptsov

Mazda CX-9 阿联酋

一切都很好! 我唯一的建议是到现场检查,确保所有液体都正常。我会强烈推荐你们。非常感谢你们的服务!

三月 2024
Natalia Zhdanok
Natalia Zhdanok

Mitsubishi Attrage 阿联酋

The car was brought to the address, for this they took an additional 100 aedes, which was not warned anywhere, just in fact after paying the rent the agent said that you still need to pay extra. The reservation was for a day from 14 to 14, in the evening of the same day I wrote to the agent with the name Akil in watsapp that I want to extend for 2 more days, I asked the cost of renting each day, he wrote 11 aedes, I asked for an invoice for payment, it was at 22 pm on the day of renting, that is, it was still 16 hours before the end of the paid day. The bill was not sent to me. I planned a trip for the next day. The car was filled with gasoline on half a tank. But I decided to fill it up, it came out to 78 aedes. Only at 15 o'clock the next day another agent writes me that I have to pay, the sum for 2 days - 288 aedes. This pissed me off, as I read this message by accident, my phone caught wifi in the shopping center. Why wasn't the payment issue resolved in the morning when there was still internet in the hotel? I texted that I would return the car but in 2-3 hours. In the end around 17 hours wrote Akil that they can take the car. But it was standing until the next day, several people from different numbers in sucksap demanded to pay those unfortunate 144 aedes. But I used the car +3 hours to the paid hours and paid for gasoline for 78 aedes (by the way in rubles it turned out to be 70 rubles per liter, we were so surprised, all say about cheap gasoline in the UAE, but it was more expensive than in Russia). As a result, the car was taken away at 15 o'clock the next day. I left the UAE. And after almost a month this Akil writes to me again on WhatsApp that they will demand payment for + 1 day 144 dirhams through the court. I would have paid immediately an additional 288 aedes, but not stated +100 aedes when renting, and the fact that the bill for renewal did not send in advance very much pissed off. Different agents write from different numbers in watsapp, each other do not pass information. The number of the office is not, because when signing the documents did not leave me any contract. Only slips from the payment terminal. I highly do not recommend renting from Akil. He also sent voice messages instead of text - well class, it is a tourist a priori without internet.

十二月 2023
Varvara Rodchina
Varvara Rodchina

Toyota Yaris 阿联酋

в плане коммуникации все отлично. Сама машина была другая - тот же класс, но другая. Это и не проблема. Единственный минус – салон был прям грязный, сами сиденья в смысле

二月 2024
Artem Petrov
Artem Petrov

Renault Duster 阿联酋

Ordered a Renault Duster 4x4 for the day, but in fact brought 2008 Peugeot monopride. The car is fresh, no deposits were asked for, I didn't catch any fines during the day. There were some minor hiccups with the delivery of the car (the driver was late), but fortunately everything went well. Thank you very much to TakeCars and Rodi's team! I will use them again!

二月 2024
Alexander Kapshunov
Alexander Kapshunov

Hyundai Elantra 阿联酋

I liked that the car was practically new, with a mileage of 3200 km. In general, everything went well, there were no problems. Of the minuses: bad feedback from your employees as a company that provides rental services. I had several questions that I wanted to know the information for, I was sent to the rental office, they themselves could not give an answer or did not want to. I also learned a little at the rental office, maybe people were busy there, or maybe they had non-working hours, I didn’t understand. The answers were short. If I were a less experienced traveler, I would be very worried about a rental car. By the way, the rental office does not respond during non-working hours, but your employees send to the rental office. I would like to be more customer-oriented, all the same, I order a car from you, and not somewhere else. Another surprise was the attempt of the person who gave the car to sell us full insurance. He convinced me that I bought insurance from your company and in case of problems I would need to contact you, but he could not help in any way. But if you buy from him, it will be easier, simpler and in general it will be more correct. I ended up leaving your insurance because it was cheaper :) Well, I would like more clarity on how and where to take and rent a car. I contacted the man from the rental office and he explained to me tersely. A detailed and up-to-date (!) instruction from you would be a big plus for your company. At least for me, as a tourist in an unfamiliar country, it would be calmer, even if the instruction was redundant.

二月 2023
Georgy Markin
Georgy Markin

BMW 420i Cabrio 阿联酋

Ordered a car bmw 420 cabriolet, 8 hours before departure from Moscow to the airport in Dubai dxb. When I arrived the car was in place, the car was clean, without any fingers on the body and dust in the cabin with a full tank of gas. The car was practically new 15k mileage. At first I took for 2 days, in the process decided to extend for another 2 days, all without problems allowed. In general, the agency is recommended!

十二月 2023

Local Car Hires 阿联酋

These local businesses provide car rental services 阿联酋

Local Car Hires 阿联酋

These local businesses provide car rental services 阿联酋








在 TakeCars.cn 阿联酋 在线租车
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    通过少量押金预订您的车辆,并保证它会在您到达时 阿联酋 等待您。

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阿联酋的租车价格极具竞争力,TakeCars 提供清晰明了的条款,没有任何隐藏费用。日租价从 120 阿联酋迪拉姆(33 美元)起,包括所有必要的保险。押金根据车型从 1,000 迪拉姆到 5,000 迪拉姆不等,车辆归还后可全额退还。


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📚 全部

在阿联酋租车的预付款通常在 10% 到 20% 之间,并包含在租车费用中。预付款会根据汽车和租期在网站上自动计算。














是的,您通常最多可以增加 4 名司机。可能会收取额外费用,并在我们的网站上注明。






使用代码 "LOCAL",即可在首次租赁时享受最高 10% 的折扣。您每留下一条评论,下次预订时还将获得额外折扣。




请自行比较!使用代码 LOCAL 获取折扣。我们以低价为傲,因为我们与本地公司合作。我们没有任何隐藏费用或额外收费,所有条款和条件都清晰透明。




租赁价格中包含 24/7 全天候支持服务。您的租车券上有详细的联系方式。




押金锁定通常在租房结束后 7-14 天内解除。押金金额及条款和条件均在预订时说明。



GPS 导航仪在阿联酋有多重要?

在阿联酋,使用手机中的 GPS 通常更为方便。与租用设备相比,它还能帮您省钱。

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