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Discover the best of the Czech Republic by rental car

If you're keen to fully explore the Czech Republic, renting a car is your best bet. Why? Every city is brimming with historic charm, local cafes offering delightful dishes, and shops filled with both quirky and serious souvenirs.

Why opt for a car when traveling around the Czech Republic?

With a rental car, you'll enjoy the freedom to roam at your leisure, independent of public transportation schedules. This freedom is priceless in a country teeming with attractions. Our TakeCars service offers:

  • A diverse fleet of over 250 cars across the Czech Republic – from compact to premium models.
  • Easy and convenient online booking – with just a 15% prepayment.
  • A full refund guarantee in case of any mishaps.
  • Customer service in your language to make you feel right at home.

Where to rent a car in Czechia

The allure of the Czech Republic extends far beyond Prague. Venturing around the country will deepen your appreciation and expose you to its medieval charm from various perspectives. With a rental car, you can easily visit:

  1. Karlovy Vary – a renowned spa town with therapeutic springs.
  2. Pardubice, famous for its delightful Czech gingerbread.
  3. Mariánské Lázně, another stunning spa town known for its mineral waters and historic spas.
  4. Cesky Krumlov, often described as the gem of Southern Bohemia. This enchanting town boasts a spectacular castle and quaint architecture, perfect for history enthusiasts and lovers of romantic strolls.
  5. Olomouc, noted for its Baroque architecture, one of Central Europe's most significant. It is also home to unique landmarks like the Pillar of the Holy Trinity, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  6. Liberec, a must-visit for families, offering numerous technical museums and science centers.

Driving allows you the flexibility to explore at your own pace, uncover hidden gems, and truly immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of the Czech Republic.

Most tourists in Czechia start their trip here

What our users say

Renting a car with TakeCars not only makes your trip comfortable but also unforgettable. You save time and enjoy the convenience of traveling on your schedule, free from dependence on others.

Real reviews on local car hires in Czechia

Pablo Irarrázaval
Pablo Irarrázaval

Fiat Tipo in Czechia

Everything perfect My wife is czech, next time we go to Prague we will stop by ;)

August 2020
Vladimir Maksimov
Vladimir Maksimov

Skoda Rapid Spaceback in Czechia

There were no problems with renting. The car was brought to the hotel, clean and with a full tank. The landlord was always in touch. Took the car at a convenient place for us. Regarding the car: the check caught fire, but no breakdowns came out. We reached the place safely and returned the car. It is a pity that the coronavirus and the closure of the borders introduced their own adjustments, did not ride a lot ((

March 2020
Jeremias alberto Estelle gonzalez
Jeremias alberto Estelle gonzalez

Skoda Octavia Combi in Czechia

No problem.

July 2021
William Lind
William Lind

Fiat Tipo in Czechia

It worked very nice. Good service and easy pick up 👌

June 2021
Luca Marinelli
Luca Marinelli

Kia Ceed SW in Czechia

Everything was perfect, no issues at all. I left a positive review on google. Cheers

July 2020
Irina Shimkevich
Irina Shimkevich

Fiat Tipo in Czechia

Everything went well, the car was wonderful, the employee of the company showed me everything, explained everything, I liked everything, we didn't have a bank card but we were able to book a car, this helped a lot.

August 2022
Sultan Alhabib
Sultan Alhabib

Toyota Proace Verso in Czechia

It was bad in a sense that the guy who brought me the car during the pick-up time deceived me and convinced me to buy their comany full insurance, despise I bought full protection from your website and I told him so but he mentioned that I won't be covered😔😔 Moreover, the authorization amount took 45 days till credited back to my credit card 😔😔

July 2023
Lev Kharkhanov
Lev Kharkhanov

Toyota Aygo in Czechia

Everything went perfectly! Initially, another car was booked, but it was not available, the manager immediately found a suitable option! The prepayment has been transferred to a new car!

July 2021
Sergei Uralov
Sergei Uralov

Peugeot 301 in Czechia

Everything went fine Great manager and car

January 2020
Irina Tonda
Irina Tonda

Kia Ceed SW in Czechia

It went well. Very nice people. I will use ur site again. Car delivery on time and pick up as well

May 2022
Elena Chirkova
Elena Chirkova

Skoda Fabia in Czechia

Everything went fine. I was just surprised that the cost of washing the car lays down on client. I have been renting a car for 20 years and faced the washing charge this for the first time.

July 2019
Damian Osowski
Damian Osowski

Skoda Superb Combi in Czechia

Everything was fine. Thank you. We will recomend Local car hires defifinitley and in a future will use it again.

January 2020
Vitalii Dehtiarenko
Vitalii Dehtiarenko

Volkswagen Golf Variant in Czechia

Fine thanks.

December 2022

Local Car Hires in Czechia

These local businesses provide car rental services in Czechia

Local Car Hires in Czechia

These local businesses provide car rental services in Czechia








Rent a car online in Czechia with TakeCars.com
  • 1. Compare cars in Czechia

    We make it easy to compare prices and rental terms in Czechia so you can rent a car more easily

  • 2. Secure your online booking

    Reserve your vehicle with a small deposit, and we guarantee it will be waiting for you upon arrival in Czechia.

  • 3. Share your rental experience

    Help others make the right choice when renting cars on TakeCars Czechia.

How to book a rental car in the Czech Republic?

Simply visit our website to select a vehicle based on your travel dates and preferred pickup location. All you need is your passport and driver’s license. Payment by card is quick, and you'll receive all the necessary information via email immediately after your booking is confirmed.

Choose TakeCars for your next journey and experience the Czech Republic in a way that bus-bound tourists don't. Relish the freedom, comfort, and quality we offer!

Benefits of renting through TakeCars:

  • Flexible pickup options: Choose from airport pickups or direct deliveries to your doorstep.
  • Transparent office locations: Easily find our offices on the website with detailed maps.
  • Cost-effective transportation: Enjoy significant savings over group tour costs.
  • No hidden fees: Benefit from clear and straightforward terms with no surprises.

Czechia car rental prices

Our average rental prices are based on comprehensive data from the past five years and include all vehicle classes. With TakeCars, you can always expect transparent pricing and top-quality service, ensuring a hassle-free journey around the Czech Republic.

Rates in Czechia vary throughout the year depending on the season and the rental length in days.

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
chartHow expensive is renting a car in Czechia: average daily rates for a one-week car rental, across all car classes. Delivery across Czechia not included.

Czechia car rental questions

📚 All
What's the quickest way to book a car in Czechia?

The quickest way to book is online. Confirmation and voucher are sent to your email promptly, allowing you to establish direct communication with the rental manager through our platform. No bureaucracy in the booking process.

Can I modify my booking in Czechia?

Please contact our support via email or messenger to modify your booking. Our dedicated managers are knowledgeable and available to assist with any changes.

What documents do I need to rent?

You will need a passport, a driver's license, and sometimes a credit card. International driving permits are not required for car rentals in Czechia.

Is a confirmation email sent instantly?

Confirmation emails are sent as soon as the booking is approved, usually within 24 hours.

How and when will my deposit be returned?

Your deposit will be visible and returned within 14-25 days after your rental period ends, depending on the car's condition and supplier policies. The exact amount of the deposit is clearly shown at the time of booking.

Can I rent a car without a deposit in Czechia?

Yes, some suppliers offer cars without a deposit, which you can easily identify on our website using filters.

What does CDW cover in Czechia?

CDW generally covers all damages except for tires, windows, and the undercarriage. Please check our website for more detailed information and options.

Additional fee for driving abroad in Czechia?

The fee for driving abroad varies by rental company. We help you save significantly by offering detailed filters to find the perfect car including options that allow cross-border travel.

Until when can I modify my reservation?

It's best to notify us or the rental manager as early as possible via the contact number provided in the voucher. This ensures that we can accommodate your needs without any issues.

Can I pay with multiple cards in Czechia?

Unfortunately, the payment must be made either entirely in cash or with one card. However, any type of card is acceptable.

Is car delivery to a custom address available in Czechia?

Yes, we offer car delivery to custom addresses including hotels and other cities within Czechia, depending on the supplier's terms. Additional charges are clearly stated if applicable.

Can I return the car late at night?

Yes, you can return the car late at night for an additional fee. Our service is designed to accommodate your schedule as much as possible.

Do you have a best price guarantee?

Yes, we offer a best price guarantee for rentals in Czechia. Our prices are competitive, and if you find a lower price elsewhere, show us the voucher and we'll make a better offer.

When will I receive my voucher?

You will receive a rental voucher via email within a few hours after booking confirmation. Make sure to check your SPAM folder and set up direct communication with the rental supplier through personal messages on our site.

How to access rental car support 24/7?

24/7 support is included in your rental. The contact number is provided in your voucher. Feel free to reach out to our dedicated country managers anytime.

Got questions?

Feel free to ask and we'll reply within 2 hours.




Deposit types




Car types

Crossing borders
