リカ のレンタカー会社 グルジア



話せる言語: Russian, English, Georgian

話せる言語: Russian, English, Georgian

オープン Etc/GMT+4
  • 月曜日 08:00 - 20:00
  • 火曜日 08:00 - 20:00
  • 水曜日 08:00 - 20:00
  • 木曜日 08:00 - 20:00
  • 金曜日 08:00 - 20:00
  • 土曜日クローズド
  • 日曜日クローズド

英語、ロシア語、グルジア語に堪能なグルジアの頼れるパートナーです。私たちの車はすべて素晴らしいコンディションで、お客様のニーズと好みに焦点を当てた、パーソナライズされたアプローチを提供することに誇りを持っています。 takecars.comからご予約いただき、良いレビューを残してください。


  • 運転免許証、パスポート、身分証明書。
  • ドライバーの年齢: 21 - 75
  • 運転経験: 2+ 年
  • Eメール/メッセンジャーによる事前チェックのための書類スキャン
  • レイトリターン: まで 1 時間無料
  • 保険無効: アルコール, 未舗装道路, 無許可運転者, ヘビーオフロード
  • 燃料政策: 同じ
  • 返却前に必ず洗車してください。洗車されていない車 ₾20 料金
  • パンク:お客様の責任
  • 激しいオフロード走行の禁止
  • 制限区域: アブハジア | トゥシェティ | メスティア | 南オセチア
  • 国境を越える: は許されない

10 レンタカー

  • 自動 | 2011 | 1.6 ガソリン | 126 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 270.00
  • 自動 | 2011 | 3.5 ガソリン | 150 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 810.00
  • 自動 | 2011 | 2.5 ガソリン | 155 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 810.00
  • 自動 | 2012 | 2.0 ガソリン | 200 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 1080.00
  • 自動 | 2011 | 1.5 ガソリン | 117 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 270.00
  • 自動 | 2012 | 1.8 ガソリン | 125 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 810.00
  • 自動 | 2012 | 3.0 ガソリン | 170 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 810.00
  • 自動 | 2011 | 2.5 ガソリン | 170 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 810.00
  • 自動 | 2018 | 2.0 ガソリン | 125 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 810.00
  • 自動 | 2011 | 3.8 ガソリン | 284 HP
    • Injuries to third parties or others' vehicles
    • ,
      Damage to the car, EXCLUDING windscreen, wheels and underside
    デポジット 1080.00

レビュー (2)


Toyota Sienna

The machine is normal


Nissan Tiida

What we liked: Liked the price. Overall it ended up being a positive experience. Convenient website with browsing and auto selection. Availability of hull insurance. Convenient registration on the site. The car did not let me down all the way, 130 hp and automatic transmission contributed to a comfortable ride. What I didn't like: 1. During the inspection of the car, the car had a huge number of body defects, which the employee did not fix in the document, we were very wary of this and we had to insist several times that he would mark everything, it caused feelings that we want to cheat - unpleasant feelings. The employee left without entering everything as it should be and we independently entered all the shortcomings on the condition of the car. 2. Externally the car was dusty and was not clean, it was not critical. 3. The car was dirty: dusty outside, windshield in old dust, in the interior - small debris and dirt in the corners. 4.But more upsetting was the technical condition of the car. To rent a car in such a condition is to jeopardize the clients' rest and maybe even their lives. The suspension rattled very strongly. It is very uncomfortable to drive a car with such suspension, it just seems that right on the move is about to fall off a shock absorber, wheel or something else. 5. There was no indication that localcars is an aggregator, not from the first time found the office - no specific scheme of passage to the office, it was very disturbing minutes. 6. There was no usb charger in the car.