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automašīnas, pamatojoties uz jūsu filtriem

If you are planning a trip to Izmir and want to explore its surroundings by car, renting a car in Izmir will be an ideal solution. This port city, located on the shores of the Aegean Sea, is known for its rich historical heritage and beautiful scenery.

By rented car you can travel to the ancient ruins of Ephesus, one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, to see the library of Celsus and the magnificent amphitheatre. Also worth a visit is the picturesque town of Shirane, where the remains of ancient Greek and Roman settlements can be found.

For nature lovers, a trip to Dilek National Park is an excellent choice, where you can not only enjoy trekking along trails among relic forests, but also organise a picnic on the seashore. You can also try to spot rare animals such as Anatolian leopards.

The roads around Izmir are of good quality and clearly marked, making travelling even more enjoyable and safe.

Don't forget about the toll roads in Turkey, which will help to reduce your travelling time. Our support is always ready to help and provide the necessary information.

Izmirā auto noma cenas

Going on holiday to Izmir and wondering if you need to rent a car? Don't hesitate, book it in advance! A car will open up unlimited possibilities for you to explore this amazing region and its surroundings. 

Auto nomas cena Izmirā atkarīga no sezonas un nomas ilguma.

  • janvāris
  • februāris
  • marts
  • aprīlis
  • Maijs
  • jūnijs
  • jūlijs
  • augusts
  • septembris
  • oktobris
  • novembris
  • decembris
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • Maijs
  • Jun
  • Jūlijs
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oktobris
  • Novembris
  • Dec
chartCik maksā automašīnas noma Izmirā: vidējā dienas cena par nedēļas ilgu automašīnas nomu, visās automašīnu klasēs.
Auto noma tiešsaistē Izmirā ar TakeCars.com
  • 1. Salīdzināt automašīnas Izmirā

    Mēs ļaujam viegli salīdzināt cenas un nomas noteikumus Izmirā, lai jūs varētu vieglāk iznomāt automašīnu.

  • 2. Nodrošiniet savu tiešsaistes rezervāciju

    Rezervējiet transportlīdzekli, iemaksājot nelielu depozītu, un mēs garantējam, ka tas jūs gaidīs ierodoties Izmirā.

  • 3. Dalieties ar savu nomas pieredzi

    Palīdziet citiem izdarīt pareizo izvēli, iznomājot automašīnas TakeCars Izmir.

How to rent a car in Izmir

The process of renting a car in Izmir is extremely simple and will not take much time. All you need is your driving licence, passport and credit card. We at TakeCars offer personalised assistance with car selection based on your preferences and needs. Our aim – to help you save significantly compared to group tours by providing cars strictly on contract and with free cancellation 7 days in advance.

  • All cars at TakeCars in Izmir are available for instant booking.
  • Free cancellation up to 7 days will add flexibility to your scheduling.
  • Quite often a free upgrade of the car class is possible;

By hiring a car, you can also drive to Izmir's unique natural parks and resorts, such as Çeşme or Alaçatı, where ideal beaches for surfing and relaxing await.

TakeCars popularises freedom of movement wherever you find yourself by offering transparent price calculation Renting a car in Izmir — is not only convenient but also practical, especially if you want to explore this unique region to the fullest.

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi

Ko darīt Izmirā, Turcijā

Izpētiet Kemeralti tirgu, apmeklējiet Kadifekāles pili un apbrīnojiet Alsancak apkaimi.

Kurp doties no Izmiras (Turcija) ar auto nomas auto

Dodieties uz Efesu, lai apskatītu senās drupas, vai uz Cesmi, lai apskatītu pludmales un termālos avotus.

Jums ir jautājumi?

Jūtieties brīvi jautāt, un mēs atbildēsim 2 stundu laikā.


Kā nokļūt Izmirā

Pilsētas Auto noma
Attālums Izmirā
Braukšana, stundas
Nomājiet automašīnu Izmirā



Noguldījumu veidi




Automašīnu tipi

Robežu šķērsošana
